Monday, June 10, 2024

Why Hate Green?

 The dark occultists are subconsciously making people dislike and even hate the color green. Why? The heart chakra. The dark occultists are well-versed in the chakra system, how it works, and how to influence it in themselves and others who are unaware of it or refuse to believe it. The heart chakra is green, and the heart represents love, care, compassion, empathy, etc. Here are the Chakra System's colors, from bottom to top. 

Sahasrara (Beyond the Elements) Crown, Purest White/Violet

Ajna (Command Center of the Elements) Third Eye, Indigo

Vishuddha (Space) Throat, Blue

Anahata (Air) Heart, Green

Manipura (Fire) Solar Plexus, Yellow

Svadhisthana (Water) Sacrum, Orange

Muladhara (Earth) Root, Red

Which brings to mind that the colors on a rainbow (and not just the pride flag) are upside down. The colors of the rainbow should be an exact replica of the colors of the chakra system. Instead, they are inverted. In the chakra system, red, representing the earth, symbolizes base (lower) consciousness, whereas violet, representing the crown, symbolizes higher consciousness, or the spiritual realm. Basically, they are elevating lower consciousness over higher consciousness. 

And this is where the conditioning of disliking and loathing the color green comes in.

Humans perpetually destroy nature, e.g., deforestation, forest degradation, pollution, including from chemicals and waste, exploitation of natural resources, and willful killing of animals and endangered species in the name of 'sport'.

Anti-green: Nausea Emoji (represents physical illness or disgust), Vomiting Emoji, stereotypical portrayal of green aliens, the Grinch, green with envy, wicked witch from The Wizard of Oz; before The Wizard of Oz, witches were usually red or orange, green slime on Nickelodeon, the United States Army Special Forces, colloquially known as the "Green Berets" due to their distinctive service headgear, character in the exorcist movie vomits green, the Hulk (putting green on the same level as anger), Mucinex commercial, the Green Goblin, etc.

***drip, drip(, drip)***

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