Monday, October 30, 2023

Man-Made Religion

 Many individuals don't know, don't comprehend, or, if they do, they're in denial about the fact that all religions and their holy books were manufactured by men instead of being formed by the Creator (s). Religion and its sacred texts were created by mankind to divide people and used as a tool for control. Religion was created by the dark occultists to enslave the people via fear and reward. If the common people disobeyed the dark occultists (via the church or religion), they would suffer eternal torment. According to several religions, those who obey will be rewarded with virgins, riches, and eternal life. Many of the stories in the Bible were appropriated from earlier religions. The New Testament = Astrotheology.

Additionally, thousands of years prior to Jesus of Nazareth, the tale of Jesus was taught in ancient religions. Have you noticed how Jesus resembles Horus and Mithra and other crucified saviors? Jesus was mentioned and taught about in ancient religions, although under other names.

Do you realize that everything is dual? Both aspects of occultism exist. Also, Occult means hidden, not evil or satanic.

There is a form of occultism known as light occultism that helps humanity become enlightened and raises their consciousness. On the other hand, it's employed by dark occultists who use hidden knowledge to rule over and enslave people. 

The term "Illuminati" has been used incorrectly. People will now associate the Illuminati with evil because of the dark occultists' perversion of the phrase. In contrast, the Illuminati refers to LIGHT, not darkness. Despite being aware of this, the dark occultists have brainwashed people to believe that the Illuminati is equivalent to darkness. 

(Please do your REASEARCH! And this is why I read/listen to researchers such as Jordan Maxwell, Mark Passio, Michael Tsarion, etc.)

These dark occultists are, in some ways, enlightened- illuminated, but with DARK knowledge—knowledge that may be used to deceive, brainwash, manipulate, and kill specific groups of people. Instead of using knowledge to raise people to a higher level of consciousness, they aim to maintain people at a lower level of consciousness (base level) so they can control, use, and discard them as needed.

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