Thursday, November 9, 2023

Unity Consciousness and Dark Unity Consciousness

 *Majority excerpted from Mark Passio's Podcast #33*

Do not be divided within yourself; do not be in opposition with your own consciousness. The goal of truly becoming aware means that you are bringing the three aspects of your own consciousness into alignment and union, and unison with each other. And these aspects are our thoughts, emotions, and our actions. This is true unity consciousness within oneself. It means that you become a being that as you think, so you feel, and so you take action in the world. All three of these things raise to a high degree of awareness and are removed from opposition to each other. This is what unity consciousness is; this is what enlightenment really is. The Trinity within.

If you are no longer in opposition with yourself and your thoughts, emotions, and actions have come into a higher level of awareness for the good, for the true will, that is what enlightenment is all about. And there is an opposite form of this that is darkness; dark unity consciousness. 

This is something that many people do not like to hear and are resistant to because it makes them feel uncomfortable in knowing how a specific aspect of the universe, as far as the law of attraction, works; there is something called dark unity consciousness or dar unison. It means that someone who is basically committed to the work of evil can come into this form of oneness for the wrong reasons, for the wrong goals; the opposite of the true great work.

This means that a dominator, a controller, a sorcerer, a dark occultist, etc., they do have a way that they think, and they do feel a certain way about their ideas and ideologies and those are in unison with each other. Their emotions do not betray their thoughts- as they think, so they feel, and then their actions do not betray either one of these. Their actions are in unity with their thoughts and their emotions.

And this is why they continue to be successful, and this is why we are continually conquered. They, in their dark agenda, are unified; they're on the same page- as they think, so they feel, and so they act. And that is why the universe is respecting their unity. It will give us what we wish for if we are in unison, in unity in these three principles, aspects of our consciousness. And sadly, the human population as a whole, does not.

We need to bring more people of the good persuasion who are doing the true will and the true great work into this positive unity consciousness. 

The dominators, controllers, and dark occultists, do not want our consciousness to be explored. They want us ignorant of self. They want us ignorant of the laws of nature. They want us ignorant of the natural world (the average person is not permitted to explore Antarctica, Area 51, and other parts of the world that are forbidden by the government), and ignorant of Natural Law. 

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