Friday, May 24, 2024

Christian In Name Only, But Not Deeds

 The so-called "Christians," churchgoers and Bible thumpers, will be the first to condemn and judge others, mock and denigrate other religions, try and restrict others' freedoms because they disagree with their own, disown their children if they are part of the LGBT+ community, force their religion on others, use violence in the name of "Christ," condemn "certain" sins but feel no guilt about committing their own "certain" sins, etc. All of this, while appearing pious and holy in church.

"God works in mysterious ways." "We cannot know the mind of God" is a poor excuse used by Christians when they are unable or refuse to answer inquiries about religious dogma. However, when it serves their purpose, Christians can miraculously interpret scripture and appear to understand exactly what God is thinking. Do I really need to point out the delusion of this?

Christians don't seem to mind their god slaughtering all of the innocent Egyptian babies; they don't mind god ordering the Israelites to slaughter all of the babies, children, and animals when destroying neighboring villages; and they don't mind when Elisha curses little children in the name of the Lord and then has them destroyed. "And there came forth two she bears out of the wood, and tare forty and two children of them." - 2 Kings 2:24

However, there is a problem when a woman seeks an abortion after she was sexually assaulted or her life and the baby's life would be at risk if she gave birth. I guess god changes his mind (again) in the New Testament when Jesus says, "but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also."- Matthew 5:39 and 

"But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;"- Matthew 5:44 Why didn't he apply this to all the babies, children, and animals he slaughtered in the Old Testament? And it is apparent that Christians do not follow Jesus' teachings because both of the scriptures are never adhered to.😂 And these people loooooove calling themselves "Christians", yet, do not obey Jesus' teachings. Didn't Jesus say, "If a man love me, he will keep my words"- John 14:23

Also, if you consider yourself a god-fearing Christian, then why do you watch Harry Potter movies and celebrate Halloween?

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