Tuesday, May 21, 2024

MY Opinion on The Bible and Christianity 1

The Bible is nothing but stolen and plagiarized stories from ancient cultures that predate Judaism and Christianity by thousands of years. Read the book The World’s Sixteen Crucified Saviors, Symbols, Sex, and the Stars, written by Ernest Busenbark, and Christianity Before Christ. Jesus Christ was and is not god or the son of god. The New Testament is Astrotheology, the worship of the sun, planets, and stars; astrology. 12 apostles each represent a house of the Zodiac, and “Jesus” (an incorrect spelling, his name was Iesus or Yeshua because there was NO letter J in the Hebrew and Greek alphabet at that time) represents the SUN, not the son. Do your research. Religion was created by the Anunnaki (which is currently carried on by the elite) as a way to control the masses through fear and reward. Also, the many, MANY contradictions in the Bible are not only laughable but pitiful. People who cannot see this are truly brainwashed and blind.

It's crazy that so many people live their lives around a book that they have never read. They pick and choose which verses they like and can identify with. Most people don't read the Bible; they listen to their pastors or priests read some parts of the Bible. People can't tell the difference between what they read (if they read) and what they heard.

Genesis 6:8- But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.- Even though he was the FIRST one to commit sin once they all left the ark.

If God, who is all-powerful and all-knowing, is responsible for the world's destruction by a flood due to the wickedness of mankind (although it doesn't seem fair that animals, birds, and even insects must die despite their innocence), then Noah and Ham shouldn't have been on the ark.

Why? Genesis 9:21- Noah was the first to sin when he became drunk. Apparently, he was naked and drunk inside his tent, "And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father". 

The Bible does not go into detail about Ham's other actions, but when Noah awoke and knew what Ham had done, he cursed Ham's son, Canaan, who had nothing to do with it. Instead of cursing the sinner, which was Ham (I suppose looking at your father's nakedness is a sin, but not what Lot's daughters did to Lot—getting him drunk and having sex with him), God cursed Ham. I've heard Christians try to explain that Ham did other things to Noah. They are incorrect since the Bible does not state anything else. They're attempting to fill in the blanks by adding words and scenarios to the Bible. And according to the Bible, doing this is a sin. Revelation 22:18-19. The book includes the entire Bible, not simply the Book of Revelations.

So, since God is supposed to be all-knowing, why didn't he prevent Noah from getting drunk? Free will? Noah did not have free will when he was told to build the Ark. Had God told Noah not to drink from the vine (as he had told Adam and Eve not to eat from the tree), he would not have become intoxicated, and Ham would not have seen his father naked. 

Christians would argue that becoming intoxicated was not against the law until Moses brought God's law to the people. God does not need a human being to tell other humans about sin and judgment; he did that in the beginning with Adam, Eve, and Cain. And if Noah didn't know it was sinful to drink, why didn't God inform him? 

There are numerous scriptures in the Old Testament against drinking strong drinks. Except for 1 Timothy 5:23, which instructs that you may drink some wine if you have a stomach ache or other ailments. I had no idea that wine could heal stomachaches. 

How can people continue to think that the creator of the universe, the multiverse, wrote (supposedly inspired sinful humans to write it) a book called the Bible when there is no evidence that the Creator ever penned it? And why have imperfect, sinful, finite-minded people written it when he could have just spoken his book into existence, as he did with the world? 

Christians will battle to the death, saying that the Bible is God's word without any evidence. However, these same people will not believe in the existence of other life forms on different planets and universes. They refuse to use critical thinking, and they criticize those who believe that beings from other planets and universes are on this earth. Yes, they are on this planet; they never left. Evidence is abundant (pictures, videos, and tangible evidence) to support the claim that the crafts and its inhabitants have made trips to Earth.

They deny the existence of "aliens" in the face of overwhelming evidence. However, without evidence, they claim that "God wrote the Bible".


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