Monday, October 30, 2023

Hateful Hypocrites

 People adhere to particular religious ideas and beliefs because they are either following the herd without critical thought or because they believe what they were taught to believe.

Numerous individuals who identify as religious or even spiritual dislike and object to how LGBTQ+ people are depicted in the media. However, they have no trouble watching any kind of violence, murder, bigotry, or hatred in films, music, or on television. These same people glorify murderers, mob bosses, serial killers, warmongers, cheaters, deceivers, and even rape. God forbid that a movie or TV show depicts the romance between two males or two females! Who would have thought love could be so awful? These same hypocrites, however, can be seen adhering to their "Bibles" or other religious writings, going to churches and temples, and behaving devoutly. Then they have the ludicrous audacity to request the pardon and blessing of another human being.

Who believed that a strong deity who created the universe and everything in it in a few days (according to your religious texts) required human beings to aid him (their belief in a singular male god) in forgiving sinners? If that god needs help from a bunch of stupid, hateful people, then you can have him.

Love cannot be limited (or conditional) to a specific group of people by anyone. Given that love is a universal human emotion, it is accessible to people of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and socioeconomic statuses. Each person deserves to be accepted and loved for who they are, regardless of their sexual preference or gender identity. No one on this planet has the moral right to deprive anyone of this.

Discrimination against LGBTQ+ persons is cruel, destructive, and against the rules of justice and equality. This includes the viewpoint that only people of the opposite sex should fall in love. The dissemination of love and acceptance for all people is essential, as is the condemnation of any prejudice or discrimination based on a person's gender identity or sexual orientation.

The human race isn't evolving; it's devolving, and it's turned into a race of primitive, mindless zombies.

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