Monday, October 30, 2023

No Two People Are The Same

 Each of us is unique; no two people are precisely the same. Even identical twins do not have an exact duplicate. Humans come in all shapes, sizes, and colors, as well as with different voices, speech tones, skull shapes, modes of thought, and degrees of intelligence. They also come in a range of skin, hair, and eye colors, sizes, and shapes of their body parts. Every person sees the world differently. Different worldviews—or lack thereof—are held by every one of us. Depending on the circumstances, we all experience a variety of emotions—or none at all. Others are merely moderately or entirely emotionless, while some people are very emotionally expressive.

We are all different from one another in terms of our goals, our successes, our pastimes, our preferences, and our attractor and repellent qualities. We all think differently and have different opinions. There is nothing wrong with the fact that every one of us is unique from the others.

As with creation itself, all of the recognized planets, moons, and stars are distinctive from one another. There isn't a single star, moon, or planet that is precisely like another. Even among animals, many animal species are unique; such as those of birds, fish, trees, flowers, plants, grass, insects, and others, are all unique in a specific manner. We differ.

However, some people experience shock or rage when others don't agree with them or respond to things or people the same way they do. What do they do or try to do as a result? Try to persuade (or coerce) individuals who have opposite opinions to change them. These people want to force other people to think and believe the same way they do. Or, to put it another way, herd mentality.

This is wrong.

Everyone is entitled to their own thoughts, convictions, and opinions. Everyone has the freedom (and they ought to have this freedom) to live their lives as they wish, regardless of how others may feel. It is nobody's business as long as no one else is harmed or suffers a loss.

The right to free speech does not protect you from suffering repercussions for what you say. As long as you're prepared for the outcomes, whether they're favorable or unfavorable, you can say whatever you want. Although you have the right to express yourself as you want, you should be mindful of the potential consequences of your words. 

However, resist the need to keep your opinions to yourself because of fear. Just be careful how you speak. Being respectful and kind is significantly more beneficial than showing disrespect and rudeness.

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