Saturday, November 4, 2023

Jesus Symbology- The Sun/Son

 Jesus symbology- The Sun/Son

The first day of summer; the constellation that begins summer is Leo. The sun is called the Lion King (the sun in the constellation of Leo; the lion of the tribe of Judah). Three months later he enters Autumn or "the fall". On the first day of fall, he is halfway on his way to the southern hemisphere. Each day from the first day of Summer, the Lion King moves one degree southward every day until it gets to 90 degrees, passing over the equator and heading south. 

Three months later, 90 degrees more and it finally ends up in the lowest part of the southern sky. Once it reaches the lowest part, for three days it's called the Winter Solstice. It's on December 22nd. The next day on December 23rd it rises to that same degree; on the 24th it rises to that same degree. Symbolically, for three days the sun/son is dead in its tomb. On December 25th each year the sun moves one degree northward, which means it is moving again. Therefore, it is "born again". And we celebrate god's sun/son's birthday on December 25th. The Catholic church and Christians celebrate Christmas on December 25th, the day given to the birth of Jesus Christ. However, "in ancient Rome December 25th was a celebration of the Unconquered Sun, marking the return of longer days. It followed Saturnalia, a festival where people feasted and exchanged gifts."

It is now beginning its annual journey back to the northern hemisphere. As it gets to the halfway point again, we call it Spring. Jesus- He was a Lion King in Summer, he's falling in Fall (Autumn), he is dead in Winter, and now he is coming back and is 'springing' back to life (Spring). On the first week of Spring, he crosses over the equator back into the northern hemisphere. Once it reaches the northern hemisphere, it is in the constellation of Virgo (in the ancient Zodiak). Thus, he is born of a virgin.

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