Saturday, November 4, 2023

Human Moral Degradation

 Human civilization is devolving rather than evolving. Sure, we're progressing in technology, medicine, engineering, and other fields. However, when it comes to human decency, respect, tolerance, and, most importantly, LOVE, we are devolving into savages, reacting more from the reptile brain than from the neocortex.

"Moral relativism- Any society of human beings that believes that there is no Natural Law, an objective difference between Right behavior and Wrong behavior, and believes that human beings may arbitrarily "create" and "decide" what Right and Wrong are for themselves. (Basically, playing god and making up Rights and removing Rights; and deciding on what is Wrong behavior)

It is the ideology/religion that Objective Morality does not exist inherently to Nature and that Right and Wrong are subjective constructs that human beings may invent and arbitrate according to time, location, circumstance, or preference. In Truth and Reality, Morality is OBJECTIVE. Rights can never become wrongs and wrongs can never become "rights", at any place or time, regardless of how many people believe or wish for it to be so." - Mark Passio

Solipsism- absorption with oneself, without consideration for the needs and desires of others; a theory that the self can know nothing. 

Cognitive dissonance- seeing with your own eyes what is occurring and yet deliberately choosing not to acknowledge it; deliberately ignoring reality. 

Objective- Someone or something that is true, real, or not imagined. It is based on truth. 

Subjective- something based on personal opinion.

Know the difference. 

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