Thursday, December 7, 2023

Little Mini-Gods Ruling Others

 One of society's difficulties is that people believe they have the authority and moral right to tell other people (regardless of gender) what they can and cannot do with their lives, bodies, eating habits, love relationships, and so on. Newsflash! You are neither a deity nor a demigod. Just as you would not want anyone (including so-called controllers in government offices) to tell you how you ought to live your life, don't tell anyone else what they can and cannot do. It all comes down to the fact that there are so many people who feel they are mini-gods and/or are attempting to sit in God's seat and reign over others.

I am not religious and do not believe the Bible was authored by the Creator(s), but does it not indicate that Lucifer fell because he desired to be like God and to be God? Isaiah 14:12-17

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