Friday, June 21, 2024

Continuing With it Is Obvious

 According to the Bible, God created the earth, the universe, and all living creatures in six days. And he accomplished this without the assistance of humans. So, why would God assign the duty of writing his holy book to sinful, evil-hearted humans when he certainly could have just spoken it into existence, as he did with creation? God is all-knowing, knows everything and everyone, and knows that humanity will fail to respect and keep the integrity of his word. Because of the evilness of mankind's hearts (as God states in the Bible), the Bible has been used as a weapon for separation, conflict, strife, murder, and war.  

What has God done in response, knowing that his word has been distorted, perverted, modified, and used to slaughter millions of people? (Remember the inquisitions?)  Absolutely nothing. Otherwise, there would be no religious conflicts today. 

The God of the Bible could have simply spoken his word into existence, as he did with everything else, and made it legible, readable, and understood in every language on the planet. No matter what language you speak, what country you were born in, or what culture you grew up in, you will be able to read and understand God's word.

There would be no room for mistranslations (because humanity would not write it), no misunderstandings (because the author, God, would make it perfectly understood in the reader's subconscious regardless of language), no contradictions, no conversions to different religions, and certainly no countless amounts of varying translations.

Every day, millions upon millions of people all across the world pray to this biblical god. Everything from world peace to helping with a sick child to staying safe from dangerous situations and people. However, nothing changes. Prayers have not been answered, or the world would be different. Either your god does not listen to prayers, does not care, or simply does not exist. Well, not in the sense that you believe he exists. 

I firmly believe in a creative force, a force composed entirely of pure energy; a force without form or gender; a force that is energy. If people want to genderize this energy, this God is a woman. Females are the only ones capable of giving birth. A female Goddess gave birth to the multiverse, earth, and all living things, just as human females do on Earth. A male god cannot give birth; otherwise, men on Earth could give birth.

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