Tuesday, October 31, 2023


 From Jordan Maxwell:


"You must learn what words mean, particularly in connection to law and government. 

In order to understand the world you live in, you need to go back to the beginning and see where the words came from and where the ideas developed. Too many people just accept things from their parents, teachers, religious leaders, political leaders, etc., never realizing the world is not what they think it is and history is not what they think it is. 

We have found out what the elite have known for hundreds of years: there was no Noah and there was no great flood. The whole story in the Old Testament of Noah and the Ark comes from a far older story in the Gilgamesh Epic from the ancient Sumerians."

The True Meaning of the Word Religion

 Religion is from the Latin word "religare" meaning to tie back, hold back, to bind fast.

Exoteric- intended for or likely to be understood by the general public; current or popular among the general public; relating to the outside world; external. From Greek, exoterikos: outer, outside.

Esoteric- intended for or likely to be understood by only a small number of people with specialized knowledge or interest. From Greek, esoterikos: within, into.

Age of Reason

Age of Reason, Part First, Section 1 Thomas Paine

I do not believe in the creed professed by the Jewish church, by the Roman church, by the Greek church, by the Turkish church, by the Protestant church, nor by any church that I know of. My own mind is my own church.

All national institutions of churches, whether Jewish, Christian or Turkish, appear to me no other than human inventions, set up to terrify and enslave mankind, and monopolize power and profit...

Monday, October 30, 2023

 Licensing- when the government takes away your right to do something and then sells it back to you.

The origin of the word license: "It comes from the Latin word licentia, which means authorization or freedom and is based on the Latin verb licere, meaning "to be allowed." In a general sense, license refers to official permission, especially from a government." 

And who exactly is the government? Just a collection of people that choose each other for work roles. They are not mini-gods or demi-gods who believe they are entitled to reign and govern humans. And they surely lack the moral authority to devise and enact rules and laws, and to compel others to follow them or suffer the repercussions of being punished or imprisoned. 

Government- derived from the Latin verb Guverno, Guvernare meaning "To Control" and the Latin noun Mens, Mentis meaning "Mind".

Politics- poly: many, ticks: blood-sucking parasites

“Outside the limit of our sight, feeding off us, perched on top of us, from birth to death, are our owners! Our owners! They have us. They control us! They are our masters! Wake up! They're all about you! All around you!”-- Raymond ST. Jacques - Street Preacher from the movie 'They Live'. Subliminal messages in the movie: obey, no thought, obey and conform, sleep, submit, watch tv, consume, money is your god, buy, work, reproduce, yield...

You must exercise critical thinking...it's not illegal...yet.

Roman Maxim Law- "For he that would be deceived, let him."

They don't educate you about your rights in school because it's simpler to take them away if you don't know what they are.

They don't teach you life skills in school because the government wants you to be dependent on them, which leads to the loss of freedom and rights and the establishment of government servitude.

The Definition of the word Apocalypse

 "Apocalypse" has come to be used popularly as a synonym for catastrophe, but the Greek word apokálypsis, from which it is derived, means a revelation. 

Apocalypse does not mean disaster, or calamity, or chaos. It means revelation. 

A Masculine Creator God?

 Why do you believe a singular male deity created the universe, the world, and all life? A deity whom you refer to as God. I'll tell you why you believe. Because you have been deceived and brainwashed into accepting erroneous dogmas. In other words, blind belief.

"You haven't done your homework," Jordan Maxwell said. A male deity or god cannot give birth to the universe, just as a male human cannot give birth. The churches removed the goddess on purpose. Why? Church and religion will therefore be ruled by men. "You need to do your homework"; you have to research and ascertain the reasons behind the exclusion of the sacred feminine, the goddess, from spiritual truths by all churches and religions.

Company Greed

 Companies create merchandise shortages in order to justify raising prices. Furthermore, companies create fears about shortages in order to alarm consumers into buying as much as possible. This is now known as panic buying.

Definition of the Word Occult

 The Word occult means HIDDEN, not evil or satanic. It means anything hidden such as hidden knowledge about ourselves, about consciousness, about true esoteric spirituality, and not exoteric religion. 

 Research and educate yourself instead of relying on brainwashed beliefs.

On the internet, you can be anything you want. It’s strange that so many people choose to be stupid.

Man-Made Religion

 Many individuals don't know, don't comprehend, or, if they do, they're in denial about the fact that all religions and their holy books were manufactured by men instead of being formed by the Creator (s). Religion and its sacred texts were created by mankind to divide people and used as a tool for control. Religion was created by the dark occultists to enslave the people via fear and reward. If the common people disobeyed the dark occultists (via the church or religion), they would suffer eternal torment. According to several religions, those who obey will be rewarded with virgins, riches, and eternal life. Many of the stories in the Bible were appropriated from earlier religions. The New Testament = Astrotheology.

Additionally, thousands of years prior to Jesus of Nazareth, the tale of Jesus was taught in ancient religions. Have you noticed how Jesus resembles Horus and Mithra and other crucified saviors? Jesus was mentioned and taught about in ancient religions, although under other names.

Do you realize that everything is dual? Both aspects of occultism exist. Also, Occult means hidden, not evil or satanic.

There is a form of occultism known as light occultism that helps humanity become enlightened and raises their consciousness. On the other hand, it's employed by dark occultists who use hidden knowledge to rule over and enslave people. 

The term "Illuminati" has been used incorrectly. People will now associate the Illuminati with evil because of the dark occultists' perversion of the phrase. In contrast, the Illuminati refers to LIGHT, not darkness. Despite being aware of this, the dark occultists have brainwashed people to believe that the Illuminati is equivalent to darkness. 

(Please do your REASEARCH! And this is why I read/listen to researchers such as Jordan Maxwell, Mark Passio, Michael Tsarion, etc.)

These dark occultists are, in some ways, enlightened- illuminated, but with DARK knowledge—knowledge that may be used to deceive, brainwash, manipulate, and kill specific groups of people. Instead of using knowledge to raise people to a higher level of consciousness, they aim to maintain people at a lower level of consciousness (base level) so they can control, use, and discard them as needed.

The Definition of the Word Pagan

 Pagan n. 1. A person who is not a Christian, Moslem, or Jew; heathen. 2. One who has no religion.

--The American Heritage Dictionary, 1st edition

By way of depiction, I'm a pagan, but I do not believe in labels.

Energy Never Dies

 Energy never dies; rather, it simply transforms into another energy field.

I identify as an eternal spiritual being who has temporarily assumed human form in order to experience, study, learn, and come to terms with what it means to live in this earthly plane of existence.

After achieving my objective, my spiritual essence will leave this body and, depending on what it is, either come back to this planet to continue my studies, journey to another level of existence or stay with the Creator (s), the source of all creation.

No Two People Are The Same

 Each of us is unique; no two people are precisely the same. Even identical twins do not have an exact duplicate. Humans come in all shapes, sizes, and colors, as well as with different voices, speech tones, skull shapes, modes of thought, and degrees of intelligence. They also come in a range of skin, hair, and eye colors, sizes, and shapes of their body parts. Every person sees the world differently. Different worldviews—or lack thereof—are held by every one of us. Depending on the circumstances, we all experience a variety of emotions—or none at all. Others are merely moderately or entirely emotionless, while some people are very emotionally expressive.

We are all different from one another in terms of our goals, our successes, our pastimes, our preferences, and our attractor and repellent qualities. We all think differently and have different opinions. There is nothing wrong with the fact that every one of us is unique from the others.

As with creation itself, all of the recognized planets, moons, and stars are distinctive from one another. There isn't a single star, moon, or planet that is precisely like another. Even among animals, many animal species are unique; such as those of birds, fish, trees, flowers, plants, grass, insects, and others, are all unique in a specific manner. We differ.

However, some people experience shock or rage when others don't agree with them or respond to things or people the same way they do. What do they do or try to do as a result? Try to persuade (or coerce) individuals who have opposite opinions to change them. These people want to force other people to think and believe the same way they do. Or, to put it another way, herd mentality.

This is wrong.

Everyone is entitled to their own thoughts, convictions, and opinions. Everyone has the freedom (and they ought to have this freedom) to live their lives as they wish, regardless of how others may feel. It is nobody's business as long as no one else is harmed or suffers a loss.

The right to free speech does not protect you from suffering repercussions for what you say. As long as you're prepared for the outcomes, whether they're favorable or unfavorable, you can say whatever you want. Although you have the right to express yourself as you want, you should be mindful of the potential consequences of your words. 

However, resist the need to keep your opinions to yourself because of fear. Just be careful how you speak. Being respectful and kind is significantly more beneficial than showing disrespect and rudeness.

Hateful Hypocrites

 People adhere to particular religious ideas and beliefs because they are either following the herd without critical thought or because they believe what they were taught to believe.

Numerous individuals who identify as religious or even spiritual dislike and object to how LGBTQ+ people are depicted in the media. However, they have no trouble watching any kind of violence, murder, bigotry, or hatred in films, music, or on television. These same people glorify murderers, mob bosses, serial killers, warmongers, cheaters, deceivers, and even rape. God forbid that a movie or TV show depicts the romance between two males or two females! Who would have thought love could be so awful? These same hypocrites, however, can be seen adhering to their "Bibles" or other religious writings, going to churches and temples, and behaving devoutly. Then they have the ludicrous audacity to request the pardon and blessing of another human being.

Who believed that a strong deity who created the universe and everything in it in a few days (according to your religious texts) required human beings to aid him (their belief in a singular male god) in forgiving sinners? If that god needs help from a bunch of stupid, hateful people, then you can have him.

Love cannot be limited (or conditional) to a specific group of people by anyone. Given that love is a universal human emotion, it is accessible to people of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and socioeconomic statuses. Each person deserves to be accepted and loved for who they are, regardless of their sexual preference or gender identity. No one on this planet has the moral right to deprive anyone of this.

Discrimination against LGBTQ+ persons is cruel, destructive, and against the rules of justice and equality. This includes the viewpoint that only people of the opposite sex should fall in love. The dissemination of love and acceptance for all people is essential, as is the condemnation of any prejudice or discrimination based on a person's gender identity or sexual orientation.

The human race isn't evolving; it's devolving, and it's turned into a race of primitive, mindless zombies.

An Introduction

 I identify as an eternal, spiritual being who has temporarily assumed human form in order to experience, study, learn, and come to terms with what it means to live in this earthly plane of existence.

My Awakening Journey is still ongoing as I continue to discover new things. A Letter to a Loved One.

I can only imagine how stunned and surprised you are to receive another letter from me in about a month or so.  In my last letter, I was a l...