Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Yule, Feast of the Winter Solstice

 or better known as Christmas, and for the politically correct, the Holiday season. The Christmas/holiday season. "Remember the reason for the season", which they recite every year. And we all know that it is not the mythological story of a little baby Jesus. It is all about capitalism, consumerism, and money. I don't know which is worse, the myth of baby Jesus, the myth of Santa Claus, or consumerism and greed.

"The mind control of the Christmas season is so strong, you can't even compete with it by scheduling an event, even remotely around it."- Mark Passio

Wednesday, November 15, 2023


 Per Mark Passio

TRUTH is OBJECTIVE, meaning that it is NOT based upon perceptions of human beings (which are capable of wavering.) Truth is simply that which is. It is that which has occurred in the past and that which is occurring in the present. 

Knowing Rights

 Per Mark Passio

Natural law always holds true regardless of a population's belief systems. This means that it does not matter how many people agree that "a Wrong can be turned into a Right" or that "a Right can be turned into a Wrong." Such things can never be done in Reality. People can only believe that they can claim such reversals and that this will magically make it so. Unfortunately, most human beings erroneously believe that it is morally possible for them to create and delegate "rights" that do not exist or take away "Rights" that do exist. 

Natural Law

 Per Mark Passio, his website- What On Earth Is Happening

A set of universal, inherent, objective, non-man-made, eternal, and immutable conditions which govern the consequences of behaviors of beings with the capacity for understanding the difference between harmful and non-harmful behavior. 

The understanding of Natural Law is centered upon bringing our own Conscience into alignment with Objective Morality. This means definitively Knowing which behaviors are Rights because they do Not cause harm to other sentient beings, and which behaviors are Wrongs because they Do cause harm to other sentient beings.


 Condemnation and ridicule without investigation, without research, or even providing evidence, or proof to refute knowledge that you disagree with is absolute foolishness, arrogance, and beyond stupidity. Thus, before making fun of someone and resorting to juvenile name-calling, you should give your research, statistics, and proof to support your argument against believing self-evident proof. Otherwise, you are simply giving a subjective view with no basis for evidence or verification. 

"D.H.R.- Denial, hassle, and ridicule are all prevalent among people in society who do not want to face the truth about what is going on in our world."- Mark Passio

They live in denial of the truth and harass and ridicule those who do. Nonetheless, they are unable or unwilling to give any form of evidence to back up their claims.

Kissinger's Infamous 1992 Bilderberg Quote In Evian, France

 Henry Kissinger in an address to the super secret Bilderberg Organization meeting at Evian, France, on May 21, 1992, said the following as transcribed from a tape recording made by one of the Swiss delegates:

"Today Americans would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful. This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead with world leaders to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by their world government."

Thursday, November 9, 2023


 Left and Right Brain Functions:


Left-Brain Functions: analytic thought, logic, language, science and math. Resonates with the color red.


Right-Brain Functions: holistic thought, intuition, creativity, imagination, art and music. Resonates with the color blue.

Pic taken from Mark Passio's What On Earth Is Happening website.

Unity Consciousness and Dark Unity Consciousness

 *Majority excerpted from Mark Passio's Podcast #33*

Do not be divided within yourself; do not be in opposition with your own consciousness. The goal of truly becoming aware means that you are bringing the three aspects of your own consciousness into alignment and union, and unison with each other. And these aspects are our thoughts, emotions, and our actions. This is true unity consciousness within oneself. It means that you become a being that as you think, so you feel, and so you take action in the world. All three of these things raise to a high degree of awareness and are removed from opposition to each other. This is what unity consciousness is; this is what enlightenment really is. The Trinity within.

If you are no longer in opposition with yourself and your thoughts, emotions, and actions have come into a higher level of awareness for the good, for the true will, that is what enlightenment is all about. And there is an opposite form of this that is darkness; dark unity consciousness. 

This is something that many people do not like to hear and are resistant to because it makes them feel uncomfortable in knowing how a specific aspect of the universe, as far as the law of attraction, works; there is something called dark unity consciousness or dar unison. It means that someone who is basically committed to the work of evil can come into this form of oneness for the wrong reasons, for the wrong goals; the opposite of the true great work.

This means that a dominator, a controller, a sorcerer, a dark occultist, etc., they do have a way that they think, and they do feel a certain way about their ideas and ideologies and those are in unison with each other. Their emotions do not betray their thoughts- as they think, so they feel, and then their actions do not betray either one of these. Their actions are in unity with their thoughts and their emotions.

And this is why they continue to be successful, and this is why we are continually conquered. They, in their dark agenda, are unified; they're on the same page- as they think, so they feel, and so they act. And that is why the universe is respecting their unity. It will give us what we wish for if we are in unison, in unity in these three principles, aspects of our consciousness. And sadly, the human population as a whole, does not.

We need to bring more people of the good persuasion who are doing the true will and the true great work into this positive unity consciousness. 

The dominators, controllers, and dark occultists, do not want our consciousness to be explored. They want us ignorant of self. They want us ignorant of the laws of nature. They want us ignorant of the natural world (the average person is not permitted to explore Antarctica, Area 51, and other parts of the world that are forbidden by the government), and ignorant of Natural Law. 

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Monday, November 6, 2023

Actions VS Talk

 Perception is not reality; intention is meaningless; action is everything. You are what you do, not what you say you will do. You will always be remembered for your acts, not your intentions or pledges to accomplish something.

Sunday, November 5, 2023


 Create the problem, encourage the reaction- "something must be done!", and then offer the pre-determined solution. It is summed up by the Freemason motto 'Ordo Ab Chao', order out of chaos. Create the chaos, observe the chaos (inflame if necessary), and then offer the way to restore order- their order, the Elite (controllers). Problem-Reaction-Solution; recipe of the Elites; rinse and repeat. The masses are herded and directed by many and various forms of emotional and mental mind control techniques. 

It's an old, old adage that if you want someone to do something, get them to believe it is their idea. Humanity is mind-controlled and only slightly more conscious than the average zombie.

People not enjoying the messenger's delivery, look, or voice tone are examples of emotional mind control. Thus, they choose to ignore the message completely. 

Saturday, November 4, 2023

The Insanity of Online Censorship

This is an example of how awful and dangerous online censorship is. I was reading an article about closeted gay people and instead of spelling "sexuality," which is neither profane nor vulgar, they printed it as se xu@l!ty. I would not have believed it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes. 

Cognitive Dissonance

 It is the psychological discomfort that we feel when our minds entertain two contradictory concepts at the same time. It refers to the mental conflict that occurs when a person's behaviors and beliefs do not align. 


 The controllers (the elite, dark occultists) of this world purposefully distract the masses with technology (cell phones, computers, high-tech cameras, video, and audio), sports, celebrities, celebrity scandals (real and fake), entertainment (enter 'trainment'), movies, TV shows, music, social media, online challenges, wars, protests, and so on. It is intended for two purposes: to keep people in a distressed psychological state by shutting down their consciousness and to keep them diverted from discovering the controllers' (the elite, dark occultists') real purposes, which are control and slavery.

Human Moral Degradation

 Human civilization is devolving rather than evolving. Sure, we're progressing in technology, medicine, engineering, and other fields. However, when it comes to human decency, respect, tolerance, and, most importantly, LOVE, we are devolving into savages, reacting more from the reptile brain than from the neocortex.

"Moral relativism- Any society of human beings that believes that there is no Natural Law, an objective difference between Right behavior and Wrong behavior, and believes that human beings may arbitrarily "create" and "decide" what Right and Wrong are for themselves. (Basically, playing god and making up Rights and removing Rights; and deciding on what is Wrong behavior)

It is the ideology/religion that Objective Morality does not exist inherently to Nature and that Right and Wrong are subjective constructs that human beings may invent and arbitrate according to time, location, circumstance, or preference. In Truth and Reality, Morality is OBJECTIVE. Rights can never become wrongs and wrongs can never become "rights", at any place or time, regardless of how many people believe or wish for it to be so." - Mark Passio

Solipsism- absorption with oneself, without consideration for the needs and desires of others; a theory that the self can know nothing. 

Cognitive dissonance- seeing with your own eyes what is occurring and yet deliberately choosing not to acknowledge it; deliberately ignoring reality. 

Objective- Someone or something that is true, real, or not imagined. It is based on truth. 

Subjective- something based on personal opinion.

Know the difference. 

Jesus Symbology- The Sun/Son

 Jesus symbology- The Sun/Son

The first day of summer; the constellation that begins summer is Leo. The sun is called the Lion King (the sun in the constellation of Leo; the lion of the tribe of Judah). Three months later he enters Autumn or "the fall". On the first day of fall, he is halfway on his way to the southern hemisphere. Each day from the first day of Summer, the Lion King moves one degree southward every day until it gets to 90 degrees, passing over the equator and heading south. 

Three months later, 90 degrees more and it finally ends up in the lowest part of the southern sky. Once it reaches the lowest part, for three days it's called the Winter Solstice. It's on December 22nd. The next day on December 23rd it rises to that same degree; on the 24th it rises to that same degree. Symbolically, for three days the sun/son is dead in its tomb. On December 25th each year the sun moves one degree northward, which means it is moving again. Therefore, it is "born again". And we celebrate god's sun/son's birthday on December 25th. The Catholic church and Christians celebrate Christmas on December 25th, the day given to the birth of Jesus Christ. However, "in ancient Rome December 25th was a celebration of the Unconquered Sun, marking the return of longer days. It followed Saturnalia, a festival where people feasted and exchanged gifts."

It is now beginning its annual journey back to the northern hemisphere. As it gets to the halfway point again, we call it Spring. Jesus- He was a Lion King in Summer, he's falling in Fall (Autumn), he is dead in Winter, and now he is coming back and is 'springing' back to life (Spring). On the first week of Spring, he crosses over the equator back into the northern hemisphere. Once it reaches the northern hemisphere, it is in the constellation of Virgo (in the ancient Zodiak). Thus, he is born of a virgin.

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Hegelian Dialectic

Hegelian Dialectic

"The framework for guiding our thoughts and actions into conflicts that lead to a pre-determined solution. This is accomplished by manipulating consciousness into a circular pattern of thought and action. The synthetic solution to these conflicts can't be introduced unless those being manipulated take a side that will advance the pre-determined agenda."

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

My Awakening Journey is still ongoing as I continue to discover new things. A Letter to a Loved One.

I can only imagine how stunned and surprised you are to receive another letter from me in about a month or so.  In my last letter, I was a l...